Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Amy Van Dyken-Rouen Continues to Inspire

As Amy Van Dyken-Rouen continues to rehab from her ATV accident at Craig Hospital in Denver, she continues to be a source of inspiration to her fans and followers.  She is in Physical Therapy most days from 9am to 4pm learning how to do everyday things like put a shoe on, and move from her wheelchair to a bed.  Using the strength and determination she acquired as an Olympic swimmer, her new goal is to walk out of Craig Hospital in August.

Amy has had sporadic feeling below her belly button, giving her hope that she may accomplish her goal. Her incredibly positive attitude will assist her in making the fastest recovery possible, but some of the recent discoveries in treatment will allow her much greater progress than many ever dreamed possible.

The recent advances in technology are making dreams come true for many paralyzed people hoping to walk again.  One of the promising treatments is functional electrical stimulation, which sends small electrical pulses to muscles to improve their function and movement. Another rapidly developing technology involves the use of exoskeletons. These are wearable robots, which are worn on the outside of clothing which help those with spinal cord injuries walk by using accelerometors which sense changes in balance.

A new generation of these machines is bringing down their cost and making them more widely available.  These exoskeletons may also be used by those who are in rehabilitation from strokes.  Another exciting development in this field is a chip implant called a brain-computer interface, which teaches completely paralyzed people how to move limbs by thought.  Wheelchairs have also become much lighter and faster, and may be able to ascend stairs with tracks.

Google is working on advancements to use voice commands for computer driven cars. While some of these technologies are in early stages of development, some such as the exoskeleton are changing lives in the present.

If you have suffered an injury as a result of someone's negligence, you need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. Call The Law Offices of Robert Paysinger, P.C. today at (303) 279-0221 for a free initial consultation. We help injured people - it's all we do!

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